LGBTI+ Fertility Options

At Fertility Specialists of WA, we recognise the uniqueness of every individual, couple, and family. We’re here to provide personalised support—no matter who you love or how you identify.

Our specially trained fertility specialists understand your needs, providing tailored services for every LGBTI+ patient. 

LGBTI+ Fertility Treatment Options

Now is the perfect time to grow your family.

There are many options available for people of all sexes, sexualities and genders to start a family with Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).

We offer many treatment options including:

  • Donor Insemination (DI) - A procedure in which frozen dnor sperm is hawed and inserted into the uterus of the person carrying the pregnancy by Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI)
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) - IVF involves the fertilisation of eggs by sperm in an incubator outside the body, with the healthiest embryo resulting from insemination transferred back into the uterus.
  • Partner IVF - In Partner IVF, the eggs are retrieved from one partner and fertilised with donor sperm. The resulting embryo is transferred into
    the uterus of the other partner, who then carries the pregnancy
  • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) - ICSI is a specialised form of IVF where a single sperm is injected directly into an egg

Your personal circumstances, medical history, and previous care will guide your specialist in recommending the most suitable treatment for you. Depending on your unique situation, you may need to consider selecting a sperm donor, egg donor, surrogate, or deciding who will carry the pregnancy.

Sperm freezing

Sperm freezing and storage is the procedure of freezing sperm cells to preserve them for future use.

The main reason is to preserve fertility, enabling a baby to be created at a later date. There are many reasons people choose to freeze their sperm, including:

  • Prior to undergoing sex reassignment surgery or hormone therapy.
  • Increasing age as there is a chance of reduced sperm quality with age.
  • Treatment for severe illness (e.g., cancer) or certain types of pelvic or testicular surgery which can result in loss of fertility.
  • High risk occupations or sports.
  • When experiencing erectile dysfunction.
  • You are not available on the ay of your partner's fertility treatment (i.e., fly in fly out work)

It can then be stored for up to 15 years under Western Australian law.

For more information on fertility preservation, visit our Fertility Preservation page.

"We can freeze your sperm for up to 15 years. This is especially helpful if your sperm count or quality is dropping. It’s also a good idea before you have a vasectomy or sex reassignment surgery - it might make your decision to have the procedure a bit easier to make."

Dr Chris Nichols, Specialist in Infertility, Perth

Egg freezing

Sperm freezing and storage is the procedure of freezing sperm cells to preserve them for future use.

The main reason is to preserve fertility, enabling a baby to be created at a later date. If you’re delaying parenthood, your fertility could be affected by a number of things in the meantime, including:

  • Prior to undergoing sex reassignment sugery or hormone therapy.
  • Increasing age as female fertility declines with age.
  • Treatment for severe illness (e.g., cancer)
  • A genetic reason limiting your fertility.
  • You want to try and have children at a later date.

Frozen eggs can be stored for up to 15 years under WA law, just like frozen sperm.

For more information on fertility preservation, visit our Fertility Preservation page.

"There are many reasons you might want to freeze your eggs. For example, you may not be quite ready to have children yet. But you want to freeze your eggs while you’re young - just in case."
Dr Rose McDonnell, Fertility Specialist Perth

Finding the right donor

At Fertility Specialists of Western Australia, we understand that finding the right donor is a pivotal step on your path to parenthood. Our goal is to provide you with the best options and support to make this journey as smooth and informed as possible while providing inclusive care.

Our partnership with City Fertility gives you access to two of Australia’s largest donor programs: Addam Donor Bank (donor sperm) and Eeve Donor Bank (donor eggs). Both Addam and Eeve offer a diverse range of donors and have no waiting lists, allowing you to get started on growing your family sooner.

Key features include:

  • A wide range of donors: Choose from a diverse pool of donors with varying backgrounds and characteristics.
  • An easy to use selection tool: Our user-friendly search features help you find the perfect match effortlessly.
  • Extensive Donor Profiles: We offer detailed donor profiles to help you make an informed choice.
  • Website and app options: You can explore our donor options from the comfort of your home via our websites or free mobile apps.
  • No wait lists: No waiting lists mean you can start your journey to parenthood right away.

We have a wide range of donor sperm and eggs available now, with no waiting lists. Call our Fertility Advice Team at 1300 392 393 to find out more.

To learn more about Using Donor Sperm or Using Donor Eggs, visit our pages.

Key points

We proudly welcome and support people of all sexes, genders, and sexualities in realising their dream of growing their family.

Our specially trained fertility specialists understand your needs, providing inclusive services for every LGBTI+ patient.

We offer a wide range of fertility treatment and fertility preservation options, tailored to the LGBTI+ community.

We are here for you

Prof Roger Hart - Medical Director - Fertility Specialists of Western AustraliaDr Doreen Yeap - Fertility Specialists of Western AustraliaDr Chris Nichols - Fertility Specialists of Western AustraliaDr Mike Aitken - Fertility Specialists of Western AustraliaDr John Love - Fertility Specialists of Western AustraliaDr Roger Perkins - Fertility Specialists of Western Australia
Dr Krish Karthigasu - Fertility Specialists of Western AustraliaDr Linda Wong - Fertility Specialists of Western AustraliaDr Wei-Ying Chua - Fertility Specialists of Western AustraliaDr Rose McDonnell - Fertility Specialists of Western AustraliaDr Shital JulaniaDr Jennifer PontreDr Ashley Makepeace - Fertility Specialists of Western AustraliaDr Ben Kamien - Fertility Specialists of Western Australia